특별초청 세미나
미래를 창조하는 포스텍 화학공학과
제목: ABC writing skills: how efficiently you can write a scientific paper
연사: 원병묵 교수 (성균관대학교 신소재공학과)
일시: 2022년 5월 24일 오후 2시
장소 환경공학동 101호
This lecture provides undergraduate and graduate students to offer the principles of ‘how to write a scientific paper’ including practically valuable core writing skills. Notably, a practical ‘ABC writing skill’ is introduced. The most efficient paper writing is possible when your research results are achieved and well organized as figures and tables. The ABC writing skill is summarized as follows: A = After completing research, B = Based on well-organized figures and tables, and C = Compose a manuscript from a title to a conclusion logically.