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- [정대성교수 연구실] 도핑 기반 산화물 박막 트랜지스터 성능 개선
- Sublimation-doping with super bases for high-performance solution-processed heterojunction oxide thin film transistors
- Materials Horizons 2021
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- [차형준교수 연구실] 해양바이오미네랄화 기반의 뼈대체제 개발
- Bone Graft Biomineral Complex Coderived from Marine Biocalcification and Biosilicification
- ACS Applied Bio Materials 4(8), p6046–6055 (2021)
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- [차형준 교수 연구실] 생체 내 빠른 유속 환경의 통로 기관‘에서의 고효율의 국소적 약물전달 플랫폼 개발
- Magnetically Guidable Proteinaceous Adhesive Microbots for Targeted Locoregional Therapeutics Delivery in the Highly Dynamic Environment of the Esophagus
- Advanced Functional Materials(2021), 10, p2104602
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- [이효민 교수 연구실] 온도감응형 마이크로캡슐
- Biocompatible Wax-Based Microcapsules with Hermetic Sealing for Thermally Triggered Release of Actives
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021
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- [차형준교수] 광가교 홍합접착제 활용 봉합사 필요없는 안구 표면 재건 기술 개발
- Sutureless Transplantation of Amniotic Membrane Using a Visible Light-Curable Protein Bioadhesive for Ocular Surface Reconstruction
- Advanced Healthcare Materials (2021), 10(13), p2100100
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- [한정우교수 연구실] 금속-산소 계면 조절을 통한 고성능 물분해용 광촉매 개발
- Disordered-Layer-Mediated Reverse Metal–Oxide Interactions for Enhanced Photocatalytic Water Splitting
- Nano Letters 21 (2021) 5247-5253.
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- [김철주교수 연구실] 1차원 성질을 가지는 2차원 박막 개발
- Graphene Nanoribbon Grids of Sub-10 nm Widths with High Electrical Connectivity
- ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 24, 28593–28599
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- [박태호교수 연구실] 싸이오펜 고분자를 활용한 face-on, edge-on 결정 간의 상관관계 연구
- Understanding of Face-On Crystallites Transitioning to Edge-On Crystallites in Thiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers
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- [한정우교수 연구실] 인공지능과 시뮬레이션을 통한 결정립계의 인장 연구
- Universal prediction of strain footprints via simulation, statistics, and machine learning: low-Σ grain boundaries
- Acta Materialia 211 (2021) 116850.
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- N-doped carbon-embedded TiN nanowires as a multifunctional separator for Li–S batteries with enhanced rate capability and cycle stability
- Journal of Energy Chemistry 57 (2021) 10-18
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- Monodisperse Perovskite Colloidal Quantum Dots Enable High-Efficiency Photovoltaics
- ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, XXX, 2229–2237
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- Cell-Free Transcription-Coupled CRISPR/Cas12a Assay for Prototyping Cyanobacterial Promoters
- ACS Synth. Biol., 10,6, 1300-1307 (2021)
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- [차형준교수 연구실] 홍합접착단백질의 설계 원리: 아민-카테콜 페어
- Two Faces of Amine–Catechol Pair Synergy in Underwater Cation−π Interactions
- Chemistry of Materials 2021, 33(9), p3196-3206
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- [김철주교수 연구실] 반도체 계면 저항 제어 및 분석
- Pristine Graphene Insertion at the Metal/Semiconductor Interface to Minimize Metal-Induced Gap States
- ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 19, 22828–22835 (2021)
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- [이효민교수 연구실-표지논문] 기능성 마이크로캡슐 개발
- Hydrogel Microcapsules: Hydrogel Microcapsules with a Thin Oil Layer: Smart Triggered Release via Diverse Stimuli
- Adv. Funct. Mater. (2021), 2009553