

특별초청 세미나

미래를 창조하는 포스텍 화학공학과

Ultraflexible and Stimuli-Responsive Organic...

Dr. Sang-Kyu Park
RIST 3동 3326호

세미나 안내


4단계 BK21사업 화학공학혁신리더 교육연구단에서는 아래와 같이 초청 세미나를 개최하고자 하오니,

관심 있는 대학원생과 연구원들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.


Dear All,

You are cordially invited to a seminar by Dr. Sang-Kyu Park (KIST)



제 목 (Title): Ultraflexible and Stimuli-Responsive Organic Shape Memory Semiconductor Crystals


연 사 (Speaker): Dr. Sang-Kyu Park

- Materials Science and Engineering,



일 시: 2021년 6월 21일 (월) 4:00pm

(Date & Time) Monday, June 21st, 4:00pm, 2021


장 소: RIST 3동 3326호

(Venue) Room 3326, 3rd Laboratory Building, RIST


초청교수: 화학공학과 정대성 교수 (Tel. 279-2268)

(Inquiry) Prof. Dae-Sung Chung (Tel. 279-2268)





One of bright futures of organic electronics is in communication with human body. The device must be wearable/implantable on dynamic surfaces such as skin or organs to achieve close human-to-device communication at the interface. Therefore, the device must be mechanically compliant, flexible, or stretchable. Such background is the driving force behind the implementation of flexible/stretchable electronics utilizing organic materials that are considered to be flexible in nature.

Among the most successful examples of stretchable electronic devices are achieved by the geometric engineering (i.e., wavy/ serpentine patterns or kirigami) of hard materials (e.g., silicon, GaAs). Three-dimensional structures are capable of 30–100% stretching within the principle strain below 2%, facilitated by three-dimensional motions. However, the geometric approach requires complicate patterning and transfer printing steps, thus making high-throughput device fabrication difficult. Polymer electronics, on the other hand, utilize inherently stretchable semiconducting polymer or elastomer-polymer blend, which is amenable to large-scale, low-cost solution processing. However, inherently stretchable semiconductor layers are attained at the expense of crystallinity and/or conjugation length, thus it is not a desirable strategy to fulfill disorder-free charge transport and flexibility at the same time.

In this respect, we suggest a new strategy to realize high-performance stretchable electronics. By harnessing a molecular semiconductor crystal that is capable of mechanically-induced martensitic transitions (i.e., reversible, cooperative structural transitions that preserve structural integrity), we demonstrated flexible single-crystal electronic device for the first time. The device exhibited strain tolerance more than 13% while maintaining the charge carrier mobility of unstrained crystals (mobility, μ>0.7 μ0). Furthermore, we expand our work to diversify the martensitic semiconducting materials, establish structure-mechanical property correlation, and reveal molecular mechanism of such intriguing mechanical property, in addition to demonstration of ultra-stretchable single-crystalline thin-film electronics.


※ 본 세미나는 코로나19 방역 수칙을 준수하여 개최할 예정입니다.