


미래를 창조하는 포스텍 화학공학과

Emerging Materials for Photovoltaics

16:00 ~ 17:15
장성연 교수
환경공학동 101호 강당

▷ 제목: Emerging Materials for Photovoltaics

▷ 내용:  In the past ten years, the field of solution-processed solar cells has experienced remarkable progress. Much of the scientific endeavor has been focused on inventing new materials and optimizing manufacturing conditions, aiming to increase the efficiency of these solar cells and bring them closer to market viability. The current research challenge extends beyond mere efficiency, demanding a widening of the variety of solar cell technologies and an enhancement of the benefits of production methods. To address this challenge, the advancement of quantum dots stands out as a viable avenue for innovation. The unique properties of quantum dots open up exciting opportunities. In this presentation, we'll discuss the development of quantum dot solar cells, ranging from fundamental concepts to state-of-the-art technology. We'll examine the operational mechanisms of quantum dot structures, highlighting their skills in defect passivation and phase stabilization. By exploiting the quantum effects of these dots, we can identify crucial tactics to improve stability and address problems related to defect management. This methodology extends the scope of solar cell research and lays the groundwork for a future filled with innovative discoveries.