

Research Outcome

미래를 창조하는 포스텍 화학공학과

[표지논문] Control of transition metal–oxygen bond strength boosts the redox ex-solution in a perovskite oxide surface

Title of paper
[표지논문] Control of transition metal–oxygen bond strength boosts the redox ex-solution in a perovskite oxide surface
[한정우교수 연구실] 격자 내 양이온-산소 결합세기 조절에 의한 엑솔루션 촉진을 통한 촉매 활성 향상
Publication in journal
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (2020) pp3404-3411
Publication date


We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that engineering of cation–oxygen bond strength in a perovskite structure can control redox ex-solution of B-site metals and thus the formation of metal nanoparticles at the oxide surface upon high-temperature reduction. In particular, we show that large isovalent doping significantly promotes the B-site ex-solution via tuning of the cation–oxygen bond strength, leading to high catalytic activity of CO oxidation. This method to promote ex-solution can be readily applied to various heterogeneous catalysts.


DOI: doi.org/10.1039/D0EE01308K
Link: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/ee/d0ee01308k#!divAbstract